Sunday, September 28, 2014


Pomme Chan is a designer, illustrator, and graphic artist based in London. She uses collage elements by combining photographic elements with hand-drawn illustration, creates illustrative and ornamental typefaces inspired from life, and also incorporates a 'girly' voice (in her ads, for instance) that is conversational as well as punny, but also relatable and interesting.
 I love her work with illustrative animals and I adore her typefaces…
As a designer, I really enjoy where craft meets design and where art and design co-mingle. I think it is very important to be true to your Hand and to be true to yourself stylistically, too. As an artist, I am always attracted to design-work that is able to create imagery that does not abandon the things that I love about art, and to be able to bring it into the realm of graphic art. Chan is painterly, illustrative; clever, and her work has an intricacy that attracts analysis and observes ornamentation in a manner that is not distracting, bringing a sophistication to her illustration that is unique to other designers.
To a degree, I find her work intimidating, but I always come to her for illustration inspiration. While a lot of her work relates to the fashion world, her commissions span from textile design, site-specific work, wallpaper, and specialized typefaces. I am so inspired by her designs because I am reluctant to leave behind everything that I know and love about the visual-artworld…I revere her work professionally as well as aesthetically.

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